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    Find an Affordable Car Rental in Balwyn Today and Have Fun

    woman posing inside her new car

    Balwyn is a suburb located 10km east of Melbourne. This gives you a great option to collect a rental car without having to go into the CBD. Don't rely on the public transport system, although a tram ride is worth experiencing at least once. Book a rental car to collect in Balwyn and enjoy your Victorian experience.

    Explore the suburbs of Balwyn and discover the various different places that you could visit. Rent the perfect car for your trip with us, carhire.com.au. Take a look at the car rental offers that we have accumulated in our database and see the cheapest and the best deals available. 

    When you are already on Balwyn, you might want to visit their famous Maranoa Garden which is just near the Beckett Park. This 1.4 hectare garden is home to various species of plants and trees of Australia. This is a perfect place to learn more about the place and appreciate nature.