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    Bundamba Car Rental Comparison

    woman driving a car hire

    Rolling around Bundamba and the rest of the country with a hire car need not be expensive. Reserve a car rental with us at CarHire.com.au! We will help you get the best offers from several notable companies with our easy to use booking system.

    Bundamba, meaning “Place of the Stone Axe” is one of the largest suburbs of Ipswich, Queensland, Australia. The location is an industrial – residential area that's graced with pleasant parks, wide range of restaurants and shopping destinations. 

    Alfred Seymour Park, Bundamba Racecourse, Bundamba Rotary Park, Bundamba Swim Centre, the Dragon Garden Family Restaurant and Bundamba Takeaway are the local destinations we recommend everyone to experience. Add also to your itinerary the wonders of the cities of Brisbane and Ipswich since the centre of said locations are not too far from the area.
