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    Find a Top Car Rental in Kingscote - Fast and Easy

    friends posing while enjoying their road trip

    Make your journey much wonderful by traveling with a rental car. We will help you get the best deals when you use our booking system. We offer the easiest way to reserve and match hire car rates from all our suppliers. Plus, we don't have hidden fees.

    Kingscote home of the Little Penguin the world's smallest penguins is Kangaroo Island of South Australia, Australia's largest town. The area enjoys a Mediterranean climate. It was established on the 27th of July 1836. The location is famous for its history, cultural heritage and natural beauty.

    Bay of Shoals Wines, Fairy Penguin Colony, Hope Cottage, Old Mulberry Tree, Aurora Ozone Seafront Hotel and Reeves Point are the local attractions that we recommend you all of seeing first before touring the rest of the town. Take either the Playford Highway or the Hog Bay Road to reach it.

    Why rent a car in Kingscote with CarHire.com.au?
    • Free to book
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    • Great service - Contact us now via phone call, email or live chat if you need help.
    Kingscote,South AustraliaAustralia