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    Drive a First-Rate Car Rental in Kingston 

    couple posing at the camera inside their car

    Make your Kingston SE holiday stress free. Travel with a rental car. It would be our great pleasure from CarHire.com.au to assist you in getting the best offers you could get for a hire car. We don't have hidden fees and our booking system is simple to use.

    Kingston SE home of Larry the Big Lobster is the pleasant town that sits southeast of Adelaide in South Australia, Australia. It was founded sometime in 1860 and was named after the South Australian politician, Sir George Strickland Kingston. Cattle and sheep farming, winemaking and fishing are its prime economic drivers. Tourism however, has grown stronger over time. Kingston is popular for its large collection of pubs, hotels, unique shops, restaurants, wineries and some of the country's best fish and chips shops.

    Apex Park, Lions Park, Asian Inspiration, Cape Jaffa wines, Cape Jaffa Lighthouse, Macs Takeaway, Kingston SE Beaches, Long Beach, Ralph Fowler Wines, Wangolina Station, Wehl's Mount Benson Vineyards, Seaside Scrapping, The Jolly Rogers Collection, Family Tree Park and the Big Lobster are the Kingston marvels that you all must not miss.

    Drive your private or car rental on either Deert Camp Kings Road or Southern Port Highway to get to Kingston SE. Contact us should you need further assistance.

    You have a marvelous journey!

    Kingston,South AustraliaAustralia