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    Finding a Reliable Car Rental in Merewether is Easy

    friends posing while enjoying their road trip to merewether

    You deserve a stress free travel. Drive a rental car on your upcoming Merewether holiday. We at CarHire.com.au will help you save on your transport. Use our booking system! Aside from the fact that we don't have hidden fees, we also make matching hire car offers from all our suppliers easy by showing travelers like you the best deals in one page.

    Merewether, named after Edward Christopher Merewether is a suburb of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia. It was established sometime in 1890 and started flourishing due to the coal mining industry. The location is popular for its colorful history and natural beauty. Merewether's fantastic beaches never failed to draw so many visitors throughout the year.

    Dixon Park Beach, Glenrock Lagoon, Merewether Golf Club and Merewether Bowling Club and Merewether Beach are the top local attractions of this part of the country. 

    Take one of the motorways City Road, Pacific Highway, Scenic Drive, Memorial Drive and Glebe Road to get you fast to Merewether. Please do contact us should you need further assistance.

    Merewether,New South WalesAustralia